Completion of the setting of your Windows 10 device - how to remove the window


How to remove the Windows 10 dialogs when entering the system
After Windows 10 updates, when you turn on the computer or a laptop, you can enter the "Complete setting of your device" window with two options to "remind me after 3 days" or "continue." If you agree and continue, the window will not disturb you soon, but you can get rid of it differently.

In this simple instruction on how to disable the "Complete Settings" window in Windows 10 so that it does not appear anymore every 3 days.

Remove the emerging dialog "Completing the configuration of your device"

Dialog box Complete configuration of your device

All that you want to do so that the dialog box in question no longer appears when logging in - change one simple setting:

  1. Go to Start - Parameters or Press Win + I keys.
  2. Go to the "System" section - "Notifications and Actions".
  3. Scroll down the list of settings down and disable the item "Suggest ways to complete the device settings for the most efficient use of Windows."
    Disable the window to complete the configuration of your device when entering Windows 10
  4. I recommend also to pay attention to other marks in this section of the parameters: You may want to disable and some other things, such as "Show Windows Welcome Screen after updates and sometimes at the entrance to report new features and suggestions", "Get tips, Tips and recommendations when using Windows.

Immediately after these actions in question, the blue screen of the parameters will stop appearing, in any case before the following major Windows 10 updates.

Video instruction

I do not know if there is anyone except me who does not want to see such windows and, at the same time, does not press "continue", but if there is, I think it should help.

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