What kind of desktop.ini file in windows 10 and how to remove it


What the desktop.ini file in windows 10
Some users, detecting on the desktop Windows 10, the desktop.ini file is asked about what is for the file, for which it is needed and how to remove it. The specified file can appear not only on the desktop, but also in other folders, and after deletion appear again.

In this manual, it is detailed that it is a desktop.ini file in Windows 10, as well as that it can be done with it, including the method of deleting a file so that it does not appear again.

  • What the file is desktop.ini
  • How to delete Desktop.ini or disable it

Why do you need a desktop.ini file

Hidden system file Desktop.ini It is automatically created on the Windows 10 desktop, as well as in most other folders. And in some cases you can see two such files at once with the same name in one location.

The contents of the desktop.ini file

Desktop.ini is a configuration file and contains the parameters of displaying the current folder and some shortcuts in it (the desktop is also folder).

As a rule, there is no one critical for the operation of the information system in this file and, if you delete it with conventional Windows 10 tools, there will be no problems safe. However, with a high probability, after a while after deleting the file appears in this location again.

How to hide or completely delete the desktop.ini file

As noted above, the desktop.ini file is hidden and systemic, and you can only see it if you have a display of such files in the system. If you wish, you can disable them to display, which is the default Windows 10 parameters:

  1. Go to the conductor, click "View" - "Parameters". Or go to the control panel - Explorer Parameters - View tab.
  2. Mark the "Hide secure system files" item and set the "Do not show hidden files, folders and discs". Read more on the topic: how to show and hide system files and Windows 10 folders.
    Hide DESKTOP.ini file

As a result of the specified actions, Desktop.ini will remain in its location, but you will no longer see it.

If you need to completely disable the creation of desktop.ini files, you can do this too:

  1. Press Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter regedit. And press ENTER - the registry editor opens.
  2. In the Registry Editor, go to the sectionHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Policies \ Explorer
  3. In the right pane of the registry editor, right-click, select "Create" - the DWORD parameter (32 bits), even for 64-bits Windows, set the name of the parameter Usedesktopcache , and do not change its meaning - leave equal 0.
    Delete Desktop.ini forever
  4. Close the registry editor.

Now, after deleting the desktop.ini file in different locations, the files will not be created again. To work with Windows 10, this, as a rule, does not affect.

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