How to restore a remote file onedrive


How to restore deleted ONEDRIVE files
If you delete an important file from ONEDRIVE in Windows 10, on Mac OS, Android or iPhone, with a high probability you can relatively easily restore it. About Windows and Mac should be remembered that synchronized ONEDRIVE files are sent to the usual basket, but even if there is no file there - nothing terrible, there is nothing terrible, on oneDrive there is a private basket.

In this instruction, details how to restore the files deleted from ondrive using the built-in basket of this cloud storage. It may also be interesting: how to use the Protected Personal Store ONEDRIVE.

  • Restoring Remote ONEDRIVE files in a browser on a computer
  • How to restore deleted ONEDRIVE files on Android and iPhone
  • Video instruction

Restore Remote ONEDRIVE files in the Windows 10 Browser (and other versions) and Mac OS

In any browser on the computer, using your Microsoft account you can go to the OneDrive Storage, see the list of deleted files and restore the desired. How to do it:

  1. In the browser, go to the site and, if necessary, enter your username and password.
  2. In the left pane, select "Basket". If the panel is not displayed, click on the menu button (three strips), or expand the browser window.
    Open Basket ONEDRIVE in the browser on the computer
  3. In the basket, select the files you want to restore and click the Restore button to restore them.
    Recover deleted ONEDRIVE files on your computer

If the desired file was in the list - you restore it, and it will be available in your previous location.

Unfortunately, the files in the online basket are stored in a limited time - about a month and, if the data you need have been removed earlier, they will not restore them in this way. You can try to use programs for data recovery, to restore on a computer, but the likelihood of success after this period of time on the working computer or laptop is extremely small.

How to recover a remote onedrive file on Android and iPhone

You can restore deleted ONEDRIVE files and in the appropriate mobile application on the Android phone, iPhone or on the tablet:

  1. Go to the ONEDRIVE application, go to the tab of your profile ("I").
  2. Click on the "Basket".
    Open Basket ONEDRIVE on Android
  3. Select files from the ONEDRIVE basket (long retention) that you need to restore and click on the recovery button.
    Restore multiple ONEDRIVE files on Android
  4. You can restore files one by one by simply by pressing the three points to the right of the file name and selecting the menu item.
    Restore remote file in ONEDRIVE on Android

As in the previous embodiment, the deleted files will be restored to the same ondrive location in which they were before.

Video instruction

I hope for someone from readers the article turned out to be useful, and from the moment you delete important files there was not enough time so that they were removed completely without the possibility of recovery.

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