5 things in Windows 7, which will not be in Windows 8


Windows 8 has undergone significant changes compared with the previous version of the operating system. In this small article I will try to consider 6 programs and functions that were in Windows 7 or are either not included in Windows 8, or have been replaced by other, more new and functional applications. I will be listed in order of importance for me personally.

Archiving and recovery - replaced on File History

File History Windows 8

If we talk about yourself, I have never used the possibilities of archiving and recovery provided by Windows 7. (I will immediately note that the restoration of the system is another function and I have repeatedly had to use the repair of computers from your clients). Most users know about the possibility of archiving only on regular reports of the alerts that need to be performed. Although, perhaps, in vain. It is possible that File History will use. And with your potential customers, moreover, I will persistently recommend this.

Special Windows 7 game folder disappeared

Windows 7 game folder
It was simply removed as not necessary in Windows 8 element. I do not think that many have used this folder, especially considering what Russian users take their games ... But I have recently used - in the screenshot, my games in which, however, have no time to play.

Desktop Gadgets - Remote in Windows 8

5 things in Windows 7, which will not be in Windows 8 3537_3
Here, you need to believe that the whole thing is that the gadgets must be replaced by Windows 8 Apps, and all useful and not very information they usually displayed will be displayed in the Tiles of the new Windows 8 Metro interface. In addition, programs have already appeared in order to use gadgets and Windows - 8GadgetPack. True, this software is still far from perfect. And whether it will be useful?

The "Start" menu - replaced by Start Screen

Windows 8 Metro Start Screen

The network has a mass of reasoning on the topic of whether the new Windows 8 Metro interface is better than the classic desktop, the taskbar and the Start menu. Unambiguous opinion here can not be here: we will live in - see. In addition, if there is a desire, then in Windows 8, you can return to the classic interface.

Windows Explorer is replaced on File Explorer

File Explorer Windows 8

From the name of the other conductor, of course, it is impossible to draw conclusions about any significant changes, but they are. Moreover, apparently, they promise to be very convenient when used. For example, I was very pleased with the opportunity to enable or disable the display of extensions of registered file types or hidden files in the View tab in the main menu of the conductor, without having to climb the folder and other properties.

This is just a few of the changes that we will see in the new version of Windows. As far as every one of them is justified to judge, it seems to me, it will be possible only after some time working with it.

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