This browser is managed by your organization in Google Chrome - what is it and how to fix?


Why chrome is controlled by the organization
Recently, some Google Chrome users noticed that in the settings it is indicated "your organization is managed by this browser," and in the browser menu, "is managed by your organization", and usually we are talking about a personal computer or laptop.

In this material, it is detailed about what a message is about the fact that Chrome is managed by the organization whether it can be evidenced by the presence of malicious programs on the computer and how to correct the situation.

  • Why Google Chrome is managed by your organization
  • How to fix the problem
  • Other reasons for this browser manages your organization in Google Chrome
  • Video instruction

Why Chrome "is managed by your organization"

The message that the browser is managed by the organization in Chrome latest versions appears if policies or rules (specific configurations) of the browser are prescribed in the registry. They are usually used by system administrators to set restrictions and the necessary parameters in Google Chrome, but can also be involved on home devices.

Message This browser is managed by your organization.

By default, after installing the Chrome browser, no politician in the registry is present and the specified message should not appear, but they can appear in the following scenarios:

  • You performed some special Chrome settings, resorting to the registry editor, for example, disabled browser updates.
  • Some kind of utility was used to set up a system, which, including "Optimizes" some options chrome.
  • The computer has been working or working malware. For example, some adware prescribes in Chrome forced installation of unwanted extensions without the possibility of removing them.

There are additional possible reasons that are presented at the end of this article. In most cases, this is not something that somehow harms your computer and does not mean that someone outsider can really manage your browser (more in the video below), but only talks about the availability of additional browser settings Google Chrome.

How to fix the problem and remove the message

If your Google Chrome browser is described and you do not know how it can be called, try entering the Chrome: // Policy browser to the address bar and press ENTER.

View Chrome Policy Included

You will be taken to the page on which the Google Chrome enabled is displayed by default - by default, the Chrome Policies section is empty, and when it does not have a message that the browser is managed by your organization. The ability to disable them is missing here, but you can figure out what the indicated rules are responsible for. Full descriptions of politician, although in English, are available here:

For example, if we see the rule among the politician named HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled, apparently, you turned off the hardware acceleration in Chrome, possibly with some utilities; Another rule - ExtensionInstallForceList may speak of a compulsory installation of some extension without the possibility of removal (this can be both the useful expansion of antivirus software and malicious). For the latter case, I recommend entering the list of extensions and pay attention to those of them that have the "Organization" icon next to them without the ability to remove. If they are questionable, remove them after execution further described steps.

Deleting unnecessary Google Chrome politician (if you wish, you can delete them all) and remove "this browser is managed by your organization" using the registry editor, for this:

  1. Press keys Win + R. On the keyboard (Win - key with the Windows emblem), enter regedit. And press ENTER.
  2. Go to the registry key (consider that this partition may not be, then for it I skip) HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Policies \ Google \ Chrome \
  3. If the registry editor window or within the section contains subsections ("folders"), these are the specified Chrome rules. By clicking on them with the right mouse button, you can delete them. It is even easier to remove the entire Chrome section in this location - by default it is missing and the required parameters does not contain.
  4. Repeat the same for sectionHKey_Local_machine \ Software \ Policies \ Google \ Chrome \
    Chrome policies in the registry editor
  5. Restart the browser.

If you completely delete all the parameters from the specified sections (or these registry branches themselves), a message that the browser is managed by your organization will disappear.

Additional reasons for the appearance of the message "Managed by your organization" in Chrome

Among other reasons that can call a message that Google Chrome is managed by your organization may be:
  • Tools for the protection of third-party antiviruses, third-party firewalls. One example is "web protection" in Avast. These tools may configure Chrome policies in their own way, which causes the appearance of the report under consideration.
  • Other third-party software that establishes its modules in Chrome - VPN services, password management (for example, LastPass).
  • You really have a computer or laptop organization and settings were created by a system administrator.

In such cases, you can simply not pay attention to the specified inscription in Chrome, it does not affect the work and the ability to change the browser settings. Earlier, B. Chrome: // Flags The parameter was available Show Managed-UI When you disable which the message "is managed by your organization" was not displayed even with Chrome policies enabled, but in the latest versions of the browser, this item was removed.

Video instruction

If, after deleting the rules of Google Chrome in the registry editor, after some time they appear again, it can be assumed that the case is in some kind of program that adds them. If you are suspected that Chrome policies are added undesirable software, I recommend checking your computer with special means of removing malware (even if you have already installed antivirus), in particular, ADWCleaner.

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