How to return to "Open commands window" Windows 10


Return item
In Windows 10 version 1703, the "Command Line" item in the Start context menu has changed to PowerShell, and the Condeks menu item (which appears if you hold SHIFT when you press the right mouse button) "Open commands window" - on "Open PowerShell window here " And if the first easily changes in the parameters - personalization - the taskbar (item "Replace the command line with a Windows PowerShell shell"), then the second when changing this setting does not change.

In this manual - step by step about how to return the "Open command" window of Windows 10, called in the Explorer when calling the context menu with holding the SHIFT key and employee to start the command line in the current folder (if you call the menu in the empty location of the conductor window) or In the selected folder. See also: How to return the control panel to the Windows 10 Start Context menu.

Return the command "Open commands window" using the registry editor

In order to return the specified context menu item in Windows 10, do the following:

  1. Press Win + R keys and enter the REGEDIT to start the registry editor.
  2. Go to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Shell \ CMD registry section, right-click on the section name and select the Permissions menu item.
    View registry partition permissions
  3. In the next window, click the "Advanced" button.
    Additional permissions
  4. Click "Change" next to the "Owner" item.
    Changing the Registry Partition Owner
  5. In the "Enter the names of the selected objects", enter the name of your user and click "Check Names", and then "OK". Note: If Microsoft account is used, enter the email address instead of the username.
    Enter the name of the new Registry Partition Owner
  6. Mark the item "Replace the owner of subspe engines and objects" and "replace all records of the child object permissions", then click "OK" and confirm the action.
    Apply the registry partition owner
  7. You will return to the Security Settings window of the Registry section, select "Administrators" in it and set the "Full Access" mark, click OK.
    Provide full access to administrators
  8. Returning to the registry editor, click the HideBaseDonVelocityIID value (on the right side of the registry editor) right-click and select Delete.
    Return Open commands window in the Registry Editor
  9. Repeat steps 2-8 for partitions HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Background Shell \ CMD and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ DRIVE \ SHELL \ CMD

Upon completion of the specified actions, the "Open command window" item will be back in the form in which there was previously present in the context menu of the conductor (even without restarting Explorer.exe or reboot the computer).

Open commands window in the Windows 10 folder

Additional Information

  • There is an additional opportunity to open the command line in the current folder in Windows 10 explorer: while in the desired folder, enter the CMD conductor in the address bar and press ENTER.

The commands window can be opened on the desktop: SHIFT + Right click Mouse - Select the appropriate menu item.

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