Bootmgr Is Missing - how to fix


Bootmgr Is Missing Windows
A common problem that occurs when booting Windows 7 (most likely, Windows 8 is also not protected from this) - BootMGR Is Missing message. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart. An error can be caused by illiterate interference in the table of partitions of the hard disk, improperly off the computer, as well as malicious activities of viruses. This article we will talk about how to correct the error yourself. Similar error: bootmgr is compresed (solution).

Using Windows Recovery Environment

This is the official solution from Microsoft, which requires the presence of a distribution with the Windows 7 operating system. In case you have no such, and also write an image is not possible, you can proceed to the next method. However, the described here, in my opinion, is the most simple.

Run a command line in Windows Recovery Environment

Run a command line in Windows Recovery Environment

So, in order to correct the BootMGR IS Missing error, boot from the media on which there is a Windows 7 or Windows 8 distribution, and it is not necessary that the system on the computer itself is installed from this CD or flash drive. Windows key to use the recovery environment will also not be needed. Next, follow these steps:

  1. On the language request screen, select the one that the most suitable
  2. On the next screen at the bottom left, select "System Restore"
  3. When a request appears about which operating system you need to restore, select the desired and click the Next button.
  4. In the next window, select "Command Line", BootMGR IS Missing Error Correction will occur using the command line
  5. Enter the following commands: bootrec.exe / fixmbr and bootrec.exe / fixboot by pressing ENTER after each of them. (By the way, the same two commands allow you to remove the banner that appears before Windows downloads)
  6. Restart the computer, this time from the hard disk.

If the above actions have not led to the desired result and the error continues to manifest itself, you can try the following command that you simultaneously run in Windows Recovery Environment:

BCDBoot.exe C: \ Windows

Where C: \ Windows is the path to the folder with the operating system. This command will recover Windows boot on your computer.

Using BCDBoot to Fix Bootmgr Is Missing

Using BCDBoot to Fix Bootmgr Is Missing

How to eliminate BootMGR IS Missing Error without Windows Disk

The boot disk or flash drive you still need. But not with the Windows 7 operating system, and with a special drive Live CD, such as Hiren's Boot CD, RBCD and other images of these discs are available on most torrents and include a set of utilities that, including, allow you to correct our error arising from When booting Windows.

What programs from the recovery disk can be used to correct the BootMGR IS Missing error:

  • Acronis Disk Director.
  • Ultimate MBRGUI
  • Acronis Recovery Expert.
  • Bootice.

The most convenient for me, for example, is the MBRFIX utility, which is available on the Hiren's Boot CD boot disk. In order to restore Windows loading with it (provided that it is Windows 7, it is installed on the only partition on a single hard drive), just enter the command:


After that, confirm the changes to the Windows boot section. When you start MBRFIX.exe without parameters, you will receive a complete list of possible actions using this utility.

Such utilities have a sufficient amount, but I do not recommend using novice users - their use requires some special knowledge and in some cases can lead to loss of data and the need to reinstall the operating system in the future. Thus, if you are not sure about your knowledge and the first way you did not help you, then it will be better to call a specialist in repair of computers.

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