Installing Windows 8 from USB flash drive


Installing Windows 8.
Someone can say that the question "how to install Windows 8 from a flash drive" is not relevant, given the fact that when loading a new operating system, the update assistant itself offers to create a boot USB media. It will be necessary to disagree: Just yesterday, I was called to install Windows 8 to a netbook, while everything that had a client-acquired DVD DVD from Microsoft and a netbook itself. And I think it is not uncommon - not everyone acquires software via the Internet. In this instruction will be considered Three ways to create a loading flash drive for installation Windows 8. In cases where we have:

  • DVD disc with this OS
  • The image of the ISO disk
  • Folder with Windows 8 settings

See also:

  • Windows 8 boot flash drive (how to create a variety of ways)
  • programs for creating boot and multi-load flash drives

Creating a bootable flash drive without using third-party programs and utilities

So, in the first way, we will use only the command line and programs that are almost always present on the computer of any user. First of all, we will prepare our flash drive. The size of the drive must be at least 8 GB.

Run a command line on behalf of the administrator

Run a command line on behalf of the administrator

Run the command line on behalf of the administrator, the flash drive is already already connected at this moment. And enter the command Diskpart. , then press ENTER. After you see an invitation to enter DiskPart>, you must perform the following commands in order:

  1. Diskpart> List Disk (Shows the list of connected drives, we need a number corresponding to a USB flash drive)
  2. Diskpart> SELECT DISK # (instead of the lattice, specify the number of the flash drive)
  3. Diskpart> Clean (removes all sections on USB media)
  4. Diskpart> Create Partition PRIMARY (creates the main section)
  5. Diskpart> Select Partition 1 (Select just created section)
  6. DiskPart> Active (Making the section Active)
  7. DiskPart> Format FS = NTFS (format the NTFS format)
  8. DiskPart> Assign (We assign a disk letter to the flash drive)
  9. DiskPart> Exit (exit from the DiskPart utility)

We work on the command line

We work on the command line

Now you need to record the Windows 8 boot sector on the USB flash drive. In the command prompt, enter: CHDIR X: \ boots Click input. X - the letter of the Windows 8 installation disk. If you disappear disk, then you can:
  • Mount the ISO disk image using the appropriate program, such as Daemon Tools Lite
  • Unpack the image using any archiver to any folder on your computer - in this case, in the above command, you must specify the full path to the boot folder, for example: CHDIR C: \ windows8DVD \ Boot
After that, enter the command: BootSect / NT60 E: In this command E - the letter prepared flash drives. The next step will be copying Windows 8 files to the USB USB flash drive. We enter the command: xcopy x: \ *. * E: \ / E / F / H

In which X is the letter of the CD, the mounted image or folder with the installation files, the first E is the letter corresponding to the removable storage device. After that, wait until all the files you need to properly install Windows 8 will be copied. Everything, the loading flash drive is ready. The process of installing Win 8 from the flash drive will be considered in the last part of the article, and for now two more methods for creating a boot drive.

Loading USB flash drive using Microsoft utility

Considering the fact that the Windows 8 operating system bootloader does not differ from the Windows 7 used in Windows 7, then the utility is quite suitable, specially released Microsoft to create installation flash drives with Windows 7. Download USB / DVD download Tool from the official Microsoft website here: http: //

Selecting the image of Windows 8 in the Microsoft utility

Selecting the image of Windows 8 in the Microsoft utility

After that, run Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool and in the Choose ISO field, specify the path to the image of the installation disk with Windows 8. If you have no image, you can make it yourself using third-party programs specifically designed for this. After that, the program will propose to select USB Device, here we need to specify the path to our flash drive. Everything can be waited when the program executes all the necessary actions and copies the Windows 8 installation files to the USB flash drive.

We make the installation flash drive of Windows 8 using WinsetUpfromusb

In order to make the installation flash drive using the specified utility, use this instruction. The only difference for Windows 8 will be the fact that at the file copying stage you will need to select Vista / 7 / Server 2008 and specify the path to the folder with Windows 8, wherever it is. The rest of the process does not differ from the link described in the instructions.

How to install windows 8 from flash drive

Instructions for setting up the BIOS to download from the flash drive - here

In order to install a new operating system from a flash drive on a netbook or computer, you must load a computer from a USB media. To do this, connect a flash drive to the computer turned off and turn it on. When the BIOS screen appears (first and second, from the fact that you see after switching on) press the DEL or F2 button on the keyboard (for stationary computers usually DEL, for laptops - F2. Tip that it will be pressed on the screen that it does not You can always have time to see), after which it is necessary in the Advanced Bios Settings section to set the download from the flash drive. In different versions of the BIOS it may look different, but the most common options are in the first boot device item to select a USB flash drive and the second - putting the Hard Disk (HDD) parameter in the first boot device, in the Hard Disk Priority in the list of available disks First place.

Another option suitable for many systems and does not require picking in BIOS - immediately after switching on, press the button corresponding to Boot Options (usually there is a hint on the screen, as a rule - F10 or F8) and select a flash drive in the menu that appears. After downloading, the Windows 8 installation process will begin, I will write more about which I will write.

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