How to enable word tips and error correction in Windows 10 when entering the keyboard


Enabling predicative input in Windows 10
Functions of predicative text input when you are prompted by the name of the word and, for some phrases, the following words, most familiar with mobile devices. However, this feature is also in Windows 10, the default is only for the touch screen keyboard.

In this manual on how to enable word prompts and correcting automatic error correction when entering text with a hardware keyboard in Windows 10, the Russian language, with some reservations, is supported.

Enabling text proposals when entering a hardware keyboard

In order to enable predicative input functions when using Windows 10 hardware keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Start - Parameters (gear icon) or press Win + I keys.
  2. Go to "Devices" - "Enter".
  3. Scroll to the "Hardware Keyboard" section and turn on the "Show Text Deals As Item" option, "automatically correct words when entering".
    Enable Tips Show when entering words in Windows 10 on the hardware keyboard
  4. You can also include "multilingual texties", but I did not quite understand how this parameter works, although I tried to introduce proposals consisting of words immediately in several languages.

Ready. Now the proposal of words will work in various programs where text entry is possible and on the sites in the browser (but not everywhere: for example, there will be no work in the address bar).

At the beginning of the input of any words, you will receive offers as for the current input word, so, in some cases, and in the following words. At the same time, to select the desired word, it is not necessary to stretch behind the mouse - it is enough to use the arrow keys (up and right) and enter on the keyboard.

Tips words when entering text

If someone is useful, then the inclusion and disabling of word suggestions when entering a conventional keyboard is controlled in the DWORD parameter named EnableHwkbPrediction in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Input \ SETTING registry (Values ​​0 - Tips are disabled, 1 - included).

And about the reservations: the option "Automatically correct words when entering", it seems that it does not affect anything, and I checked it in Russian and in English: in both cases, the word was left with an error. And when using the Windows 10 touch keyboard, the correction works properly.

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