Windows 7 boot recovery


Windows 7 boot recovery
If you have problems with the launch of the operating system and you suspect that the cause is corrupted Windows boot loader, here you will find a way to fix the problem manually.

Restore Windows 7 boot loader may need (or at least worth a try) in the following cases: if an error occurs Bootmgr is missing or Non system disk or disk error; In addition, if the computer is locked, the message demanding money appears before the Windows boot, restore the MBR (Master Boot Record) can also help. If the operating system starts to load, but it fails, then it is not in the loader and the solution should look here: Do not run Windows 7.

Boot from the disk or flash drive with Windows 7 to restore

The first thing to do is to boot from the Windows 7 distribution: it can be a bootable flash drive or disk. At the same time, it does not necessarily have to be the same disk from which the OS was installed on a computer: to recover boot fit any version of Windows 7 (ie, it does not matter Maximum or Home Basic, for example).

Starting System Restore when you install Windows 7

After you download and select the language on the screen with the "Install" button, click "System Restore." After that, depending on your distribution, you may be prompted to enable network capabilities (not required), reassign drive letters (as you want) and select the language.

The choice of Windows 7 to restore

The next item will go a choice of Windows 7 Loader that you want to recover (before it is short of installed operating systems research period).

OS recovery tools

After selecting a list of tools for system recovery. Then there is the automatic recovery start, but it does not always work. I will not describe the automatic recovery of load, and describe nothing special: press and wait. We will use the manual rebuild of Windows 7 bootloader from the command line - and run it.

Boot repair (MBR) Windows 7 using bootrec

In the command prompt, enter the command:

bootrec / fixmbr

It is this command overwrites the MBR Windows 7 on a hard drive or SSD. However, this is not always enough (for example, in the case of viruses in the MBR), but because after this command is usually used even one that writes a new boot sector of Windows 7 system partition:

bootrec / fixboot
Running commands fixboot and fixmbr to restore the bootloader

After that, you can close the command prompt, exit the installer and boot from the system hard disk - now everything should work. As you can see, restore Windows bootloader is quite simple and, if you correctly determined that the problems with the computer are caused by this, the rest is a matter of several minutes.

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