How to split disk in windows 10


How to split disk in windows 10
Many users are familiar to use two partitions on one physical hard disk or SSD - conditionally, C drive C and Disk D. In this manual, in detail how to split the disk to sections in Windows 10 as built-in system tools (when installed and after it), So with the help of third-party free programs for working with sections.

Despite the fact that the available Windows 10 funds are enough to make basic operations over sections, some actions with their help are not so simple. The most typical of such tasks is to increase the system partition: if you are interested in this action, I recommend using other guidance: how to increase the disk C due to the disk D.

  • How to split the disk in the Windows installed 10 tools
  • Create a D disc when installing Windows 10
  • How to split disk using free software programs
  • Video instruction

How to split the disk to sections in the already installed Windows 10

The first scenario, which we consider - OS is already installed on the computer, everything works, but it was decided to divide the system hard drive into two logical partitions. You can do it without programs.

  1. Right-click on the Start button and select "Disk Management". You can also start this utility by pressing the Windows keys (key with the emblem) + R and enter the DiskMGMT.msc in the "Run" window. The "Disc Manager" utility opens.
  2. At the top you will see a list of all sections (volumes). In the bottom - a list of connected physical drives. If you have one physical hard disk or SSD on your computer or laptop, you most likely you will see it in the list (at the bottom) under the name "Disc 0 (zero)". At the same time, in most cases, it already contains several (two or three) partitions, only one of which corresponds to your C drive. Do not take action on hidden sections "Without a letter" - they contain Windows 10 bootloader data and recovery data.
  3. In order to divide the C disk on C and D, right-click on the appropriate (on the C drive) and select "Compress Tom".
    Actions on partitions in drive management
  4. By default, you will be asked to compress Tom (freeing the place for disk d, in other words) to all available free hard disk space. I do not recommend doing this - leave at least 10-15 gigabytes free on the system section. That is, instead of the proposed value, enter the one that you yourself consider it necessary for D disc. In my example in the screenshot - 15,000 megabytes or a little less than 15 gigabytes. Click "compress".
    Squeeze volume in Windows 10
  5. A new unallocated disk area will appear in the disk management, and the C disk will decrease. Click on the area "not distributed" by right-click and select "Create a Simple Tom", the Volume Creation Wizard will be launched.
    Creating a simple volume
  6. The wizard requests the size of the new volume (if you want to create only the D disc, then leave full size), will offer to assign a letter to the letter (if the letter d is not available, the solution is shown in the video instructions further), and format the new section (leave default values, change the label At its discretion).

Letter for the new partition on the disk

After that, the new partition will be automatically formatted and mounted in the system under the letter you specified (appears in the conductor). Ready.

Note: Sometimes, when compressing the section, Windows 10 can show too small size released space, despite the fact that free space is available. In this case, I recommend split the disk in the installed Windows 10 using special programs, as written in the last section of this article.

Creating sections when installing Windows 10

Separating discs to sections is also possible with a clean installation of Windows 10 to a computer from a flash drive or disk. However, it should be noted one important nuance: do it without deleting data from the system partition will not work.

When installing the system, after entering (or passing entering, more in the article activation of Windows 10) activation key, select "Selecting Installation", in the next window you will be selected partition for installation, as well as tools for configuring sections.

Selective installation of Windows 10

In my case, the C disk is section 4 on the disk. In order to make two partitions instead, it is necessary to first delete the partition using the corresponding button below, as a result, it is converted to the "unoccupied disk space".

The second step is to select an unoccupied space and click "Create", then set the size of the future "disk C". After it is created, we will have a free unoccupied space, which in the same way (using "Create") can be turned into a second disk section.

Creating a new section when installing

I also recommend after creating a second partition, select it and click "format" (otherwise it may not appear in the Explorer after installing Windows 10 and it will have to format it and assign a disk letter through drives).

And finally, choose the section that was created first, press the "Next" button to continue installing the system to disk C.

Programs for separating disks to sections

In addition to Windows's own tools, there are many programs to work with partitions on disks. Of the well-proven free programs of this kind, I can recommend Aomei Partition Assistant Free (FREE AND IN RUSSIAN) and MINITOOL PARTITION WIZARD FREE. In the example below, consider using the first of the specified programs.

Split disk in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard

In fact, split the disk in Aomei Partition Assistant is very simple (despite the fact that the partition separation item is not available in the latest versions of the free version of the program), the order is as follows:

  1. Installed the program (from the official site and launched it.
  2. Allocated the disk (section) to be divided into two.
  3. On the left in the menu selected the "Resize / Move" item.
  4. Installed a new size for the initial section with the mouse, moving the separator or entering the number in gigabytes. Pressed approx.
  5. Chose the unemployed space appeared and pressed the "Creating a section" on the left.
    Creating a new section in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard
  6. Pressed the "Apply" button on the left above, confirmed the reboot of the computer, waited when the process is completed.

If something on the use of the program remains not clear, the whole process is clearly shown below.

How to divide HDD or SSD in Windows 10 - Video Instructions

I hope the proposed methods will be enough for your situation. If nevertheless, when using any of the described methods, you will have problems - write, and I will answer.

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