The browser itself opens with advertising - how to fix


The browser opens by itself
One of the problems common today caused by the Browser is opens by itself, showing usually advertising (or a mistake page). At the same time, it can open when the computer is started and logged in Windows or periodically during operation after it, and if the browser is already running - then its new windows open, even if there are no actions from the user (there is also an option - Opening a new browser window when clicking In any place of the site, reviewed here: Advertising pops up in the browser - what to do?).

In this manual, it is detailed in detail where in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 is prescribed such a spontaneous launch of the browser with undesirable content and how to fix the situation, as well as additional information that may be useful in the context under consideration.

Why the browser opens by itself

The reason for the spontaneous opening of the browser in cases, if this happens as described above, are tasks in the Windows job scheduler, as well as records in the registry in the autoload sections made by malware.

At the same time, even if you have already deleted the unwanted unwanted software with the help of special funds, the problem can be saved, since these tools can delete the cause, but not always the consequences of Adware work (programs aimed at displaying the user of unwanted advertising).

If you have not yet deleted malware (and they can be under the guise, for example, the desired browser extensions) - this is also written later in this manual.

How to Repair Situation

To correct the spontaneous opening of the browser, you will need to remove those system tasks that cause this discovery. At the moment, the launch is most often happening through the Windows job scheduler.

To correct the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard (where Win is the Windows emblem key), enter the taskschd.msc and press ENTER.
    Opening of the task planner
  2. In the task scheduler that opens, on the left, select "Task Scheduler Library".
  3. Now our task is to find those tasks that cause the opening of the browser in the list.
  4. Distinctive features of such tasks (by the name it will not be possible to find, they try to "disguise"): they run once a few minutes (you can, selecting the Open tab of the Triggers tab at thenime and see the repeat frequency).
    Browser launch triggers
  5. They launch any site, while not necessarily the one that you see in the address bar of the new browser windows (can be redirected). Starting occurs using the CMD / C commands start http: // Add address or path_B_Brazer HTTP: // Address_Site. Sometimes - Explorer.exe Path_K_Site
    Running a browser with advertising in task scheduler
  6. To see what exactly runs each of the tasks, you can by selecting the task, on the "Actions" tab at the bottom.
    Adware in task scheduler
  7. For each suspicious task, click on it right-click and select "Disable" (better not to delete if you are not sure of 100 percent that it is a malicious task).

After all unwanted tasks are disabled, see whether the problem was solved and whether the browser continues to run. Additional Information: There is a program that also knows how to look for dubious tasks in the task scheduler - Roguekiller Anti-Malware.

Another location, if the browser starts itself when entering Windows - autoload. There may also be registered browser with an undesirable site address, a manner similar to that described in paragraph 5 above.

Running a browser with advertising in the registry editor in autoload

Check out the autoload list and disable suspicious items. Ways to do this and various autoload arrangements in Windows are described in detail in the articles: Windows 10 autoload (suitable for 8.1), Windows 7 autoload.

Additional Information

There is a chance that after you delete items from the scheduler of tasks or startups, they will again appear that it will say that there are unwanted programs that cause the problem on the computer.

In detail how to get rid of them, read in the instructions how to get rid of advertising in the browser, and first of all, check your system with special means of removing malicious programs, such as AdWcleaner (such means "see" many threats that antiviruses see refuse).

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