Khoom #990

Dab tsi ntawm desktop.ini cov ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv windows 10 thiab yuav ua li cas tshem nws

Dab tsi ntawm desktop.ini cov ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv windows 10 thiab yuav ua li cas tshem nws
Qee tus neeg siv, kuaj pom ntawm lub desktop Windows 10, cov ntaub ntawv desktop.ini yog nug txog dab tsi yog rau cov ntaub ntawv, uas xav tau thiab...

Sau cov yees duab ntawm Android npo

Sau cov yees duab ntawm Android npo
Yog tias koj xav sau cov video los ntawm Android screen - los ntawm lub kaw lus interface, kev ua si thiab lwm yam kev siv, nws muaj peev xwm sau rau...

The .exe file is not a Win32 application in Windows 7 - what to do?

The .exe file is not a Win32 application in Windows 7 - what to do?
Windows 7 users and previous versions of the OS may encounter the fact that when you start any program, games, installer, or any other .exe file, an...

Comodo Cleaning Essentials - removal of malicious programs and other features

Comodo Cleaning Essentials - removal of malicious programs and other features
Comodo Cleaning Essentials. - Free malware scanner, as well as a set of excellent utilities, allowing to solve many problems caused by the availability...

Windows 10 rov qab los ntawm huab

Windows 10 rov qab los ntawm huab
Lub kaw lus rov qab rau lub xeev qub yog tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub Windows 10 ntawm lub Tsib Hlis 2020 (pib nrog version tshiab tau tshwm sim - Restoring...

Properazer - Windows 10, 8.1 thiab Windows 7 Disk Tu txoj haujlwm

Properazer - Windows 10, 8.1 thiab Windows 7 Disk Tu txoj haujlwm
Lub luag haujlwm ntawm kev tu hdd lossis SSD disk hauv qhov rais los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv tsis tseem ceeb yog ib qho ntawm cov neeg siv nquag ntawm...

How to find out and copy the full path to the file in Windows 10

How to find out and copy the full path to the file in Windows 10
Sometimes on the command line or when creating .bat file you want to specify the full path to the file. Some beginner users do not know how to find...

How to delete hard disk section or SSD Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

How to delete hard disk section or SSD Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
If for one reason or another you needed to delete the partitions of the hard disk or SSD in Windows, it is possible to do this as built-in system tools...

YEEJ 10 TWEAKER - Optimization, Ntxuav, Teem tau lub qhov rais 10 functions

YEEJ 10 TWEAKER - Optimization, Ntxuav, Teem tau lub qhov rais 10 functions
Yeej 10 Tweaker - ib qho kev pab rau configuring thiab optimizing lub qhov rais 10, nrov ntawm Lavxias teb sab-hais lus cov neeg siv thiab, yuav tsum...

Yuav ua li cas thaiv tsis paub tus lej ntawm Android

Yuav ua li cas thaiv tsis paub tus lej ntawm Android
Yog tias koj nkees hu los ntawm cov naj npawb tsis paub lossis zais, cov hu no yooj yim los thaiv cov cuab yeej hauv xov tooj. Nws kuj tseem tuaj yeem...

How to disable BitLocker in Windows 10

How to disable BitLocker in Windows 10
If you needed to disable the BitLocker for the disk (HDD and SSD) or flash drives in Windows 10 - to do it is very simple, provided that you can access...

Yuav Ua Li Cas Disable Windows 10 Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas

Yuav Ua Li Cas Disable Windows 10 Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas
Yog tias koj muaj qee yam thiab kev lag luam nws tus kheej pib lub Windows 10 npo hais lus thiab pib ua lub suab qhov screen cov khoom lossis, ib zaug...