Khoom #989

Nco tsis tau nyeem - yuav ua li cas los txhim kho cov?

Nco tsis tau nyeem - yuav ua li cas los txhim kho cov?
Thaum pib ua si thiab cov kev pab cuam, thiab nyob rau hauv tej rooj plaub, thaum koj tig mus rau ntawm lub computer, tej zaum koj yuav pom me ntsis...

Yuav ua li cas mus tua los yog xa mus rau cov pw tsaug zog computer ua ke tuav

Yuav ua li cas mus tua los yog xa mus rau cov pw tsaug zog computer ua ke tuav
Yog hais tias yog vim li cas koj yuav tsum muaj lub peev xwm mus tua cov computer los yog laptop siv ib tug tseem ceeb ua ke, los yog txhais nws rau...

Teeb tsa, kho kom zoo, pab thiab xiam oob qhab Windows 10 lub zog nyob rau hauv Windows Tweaker Qhov kawg

Teeb tsa, kho kom zoo, pab thiab xiam oob qhab Windows 10 lub zog nyob rau hauv Windows Tweaker Qhov kawg
Qhov kawg Windows Tweaker - lub zog hluav taws xob muaj zog dawb rau kev tsim kho lub Windows ua haujlwm (thiab yog li ntawd nws tsis tuaj yeem siv...

How to View Wi-Fi Password on Android

How to View Wi-Fi Password on Android
Sometimes it may be necessary to know the password from the connected Wi-Fi network on the Android phone to connect another smartphone, laptop or other...

Sharex - one of the best free desktop recording software and screenshots

Sharex - one of the best free desktop recording software and screenshots
If you need a video recording tool from the desktop or program windows, creating screenshots and additional actions on them, such as text recognition...

How to put or change ringtone on Android

How to put or change ringtone on Android
Some new Android users may not know how to change the current ringtone, set different melodies to different contacts, and more often - how to install...

How to change the DNS server in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

How to change the DNS server in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
If there are problems with opening sites, such as ERR_NAME_NOT_Resolved and many others one of the first recommended actions change the DNS server in...

Yuav ua li cas tshem tawm Windows 10 los ntawm lub khoos phis tawm kiag li

Yuav ua li cas tshem tawm Windows 10 los ntawm lub khoos phis tawm kiag li
Ntau cov neeg siv tau xav paub yuav ua li cas kom tshem tawm cov Windows 10 los ntawm lub khoos phis tawj lossis laptop. Muaj tseeb, feem ntau nyob...

What's New in Windows 10 May 2020 Update, version 2004

What's New in Windows 10 May 2020 Update, version 2004
The next large update of Windows 10 components is already coming out - May Update 2020, version 2004. Already, you can download the ISO image of this...

Car DVR for Android Phone - Best Applications

Car DVR for Android Phone - Best Applications
Android smartphone can a lot - not only "ordinary" for phone things, but also some not the most obvious, for example, to work as a remote control for...

Cov neeg kho sab saum toj PDF.

Cov neeg kho sab saum toj PDF.
Cov ntaub ntawv hauv PDF hom ntawv yog nrov heev rau ntau cov haujlwm, tab sis lawv cov kev hloov kho tsis yog qhov haujlwm tsis tseem ceeb. Yog tias...

How to disable keypads and input filtering in Windows 10

How to disable keypads and input filtering in Windows 10
If during the game on a computer or when performing other tasks in Windows 10, you also have a window that reports that suggests turning on the sticking...