Yuav to taub li cas cov lus hauv Instagram yog nyeem


Yuav to taub li cas cov lus hauv Instagram yog nyeem

Kev xaiv 1: Cov ntawv thov mobile

Ib qho ntawm cov kev xaiv muaj thaum sib txuas lus hauv Instagram Xaiv yog cov xwm txheej ntawm xa cov lus. Hauv cov ntawv thov txawb rau iOS thiab Android, nws tau tshwm sim sib npaug.

  1. Qhib daim ntawv thov thiab coj mus rhaub "ncaj qha" icon nyob rau sab xis sab sauv.
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  5. Yog tias cov lus tau muaj qhov zoo sib xws, tus tau txais tseem tsis tau qhib nws.
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  7. Sai li sai tau tom qab qhib SMS, tus tau txais hauv qab cov ntawv nyeem zoo nkaus li txoj hlua "pom".
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Qhov Xaiv 2: PC version

Txhawm rau kom nkag siab tias tus neeg tau txais ntawm SMS yog nyeem lossis tseem tsis tau, koj kuj tseem tuaj yeem siv tus browser browser ntawm Instagram.

  1. Qhib lub browser browser ntawm cov social network thiab nyem rau ntawm lub cim ncaj qha.
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  3. Xaiv kev sib tham, cov lus uas koj xav kuaj xyuas.
  4. Mus ncaj qha thiab xaiv kev sib tham kom pom cov lus xwm txheej

  5. Yog tias tus neeg tau txais kev pab saib koj SMS, "pom" yuav yog cov dai ntawv hauv qab (hauv English version - "pom"). Yog tias tsis muaj kos npe, nws txhais tau tias koj cov lus tseem tsis tau qhib.
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Nyeem ntxiv