Computer slows down - what to do?


The computer slowly slows down
Why the computer slows down and what to do is, perhaps, one of the most frequently asked questions beginner users and not only. At the same time, as a rule, it is said that even recently, a computer or laptop worked perfectly and quickly, "everything flew", and now it is loaded half an hour, programs are also launched, etc.

This article details how to brake the computer. Possible causes are given in the degree of frequency with which they are found. Of course, each item will also provide solutions to the problem. The following instruction is applicable to Windows 10, 8 (8.1) and Windows 7.

If you do not succeed, which is the reason for the slow work of the computer, below you will also find a free program that allows you to analyze the current state of the PC or a laptop and submit a report on the reasons that cause problems with the speed of work that helps find out what exactly needs to be cleaned "So that the computer does not slow down.

Programs in autoload

Programs, no matter, they are useful or unwanted (about which we will talk in a separate section), which run automatically along with Windows - probably the most common reason for the slow work of the computer.

Whenever, at the request, I had to study "why the computer slows down", in the area of ​​notifications and simply in the list of autoload, I observed a significant number of most different utilities, about the appointment of which the owner often did not know anything.

How could, for details about what can and should be removed from the startup (and how to do it) in Articles Windows 10 Startup and How to speed up Windows 10 (Windows 7 from 8 - How to speed up your computer), take it on board.

If briefly, everything is what you do not use regularly, except for antivirus (and if you suddenly have them two, then with a probability of 90 percent, your computer slows down that is therefore). And even what uses: for example, on a laptop with HDD (which on the laptop is slow), the main torrent client can reduce the system performance for tens of percent.

The list of programs in the Windows 10 startup

It is useful to know: Installed and automatically started programs for speeding up and cleaning Windows very often slow down the system than the positive effect on it, and the names of the utility here absolutely does not play roles.

Malicious and unwanted programs

Our user loves download programs for free and usually not from official sources. He is also aware of viruses and, as a rule, has a good antivirus on his computer.

However, many do not know that, so downloading the program, they are likely to establish themselves and malware or unwanted software, which is not considered a "virus," but because your antivirus it simply does not "see."

Computer slows down due to viruses

The usual result of the presence of such programs - strongly inhibits the computer and it is not clear what to do. Start here should be a simple: use a special removal tool to clean your computer (they do not conflict with antivirus, finding in this case is the presence of which in my Windows, you might not be aware).

The second important step is to learn how to download software from the official site developers, and at installation always read that you offer and give up what you do not need.

Separately, about viruses: they are, of course, can also be the cause of a slow computer operation. So checking for viruses - an important step if you do not know what the cause of the "braking". If your antivirus refuses to find something, you can try to use a bootable antivirus flash drive (Live CD) from other developers, there is a chance that they will cope better.

Not installed or is not "native" device drivers

The absence of formal device drivers, or drivers installed from Windows Update (as opposed to equipment manufacturers sites) can also cause slow performance of the computer.

Often it concerns video card drivers - installation of a "compatible" drivers, especially Windows 7 (Windows 10 and 8 learned how to put the official drivers, although not in recent versions), often lead to the joists (the brakes) in games, video playback jerky and other similar problems with the graphics display. The solution - to install or update the graphics card drivers for maximum performance.

Problems with the Windows drivers

However, it is necessary to check the presence and installed drivers for other devices in Device Manager. Moreover, if you have a laptop, a good solution would be to install the drivers chipset and other proprietary driver from the manufacturer of the notebook, even if the Device Manager for all items shows "device is working properly", then the same can be said about the drivers chipset motherboard of your computer.

Crowded hard drive or HDD problems

Another common situation - the computer does not just slow, and sometimes hangs tightly, you will look at your hard disk status: it is reasonable to have the red indicator of overcrowding (in Windows 7), and the owner does not take any action. Here point by point:

  1. For normal operation of Windows 10, 8, 7, as well as running programs, it is important that on the system section (i.e., there was enough space on the C). Ideally, if possible, I would recommend a double size of the RAM as an unoccupied space in order to almost completely eliminate the problem of slow computer or laptop for this reason.
    Crowded disk C in Windows
  2. If you do not know how to achieve the free space to become more, and already "all unnecessary" deleted, materials will be able to help you: how to clean the C disk from unnecessary files and how to increase the disk C due to disk D.
  3. Turning off the paging file to release the disk space than many industries - a bad solution to the problem in the overwhelming majority. But disabling hibernation, if there are no other options or you do not need a quick launch of Windows 10 and 8 and hibernation, it is possible to consider such a decision.

The second possible option is damage to the hard disk of the computer or, more often, the laptop. Typical manifestations: Absolutely everything in the system "stops" or begins to "go jerks" (except for the mouse pointer), while the hard disk makes strange sounds, and then suddenly everything is in order again. Here the Council is to take care of the safety of the data (retaining important to other drives), check the hard disk, perhaps change it.

Incompatibility or other programs with programs

If your computer or laptop begins to slow down when starting some specific programs, and otherwise it works fine, it will be logical to assume problems with these theirs. Examples of such problems:
  • Two antivirus - an excellent example, not often, but found from users. If you install two antivirus programs on your computer at the same time, they can conflict and lead to the impossibility of work. At the same time, it is not about the bunch of antivirus + tool for removing malware, in this variant there are usually no problems. I also note that in Windows 10 built-in Windows Defender, according to Microsoft applications, it will not be disconnected when installing third-party antiviruses and it will not lead to conflict.
  • If the browser slows down, for example, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, then, in all likelihood, problems are caused by plugins, extensions, less often with cache and settings. Quick Solution - Run a browser reset and disable all third-party plugins and expansion. See why Google Chrome slows down, Mozilla Firefox slows down. Yes, the reason for the slow work of the Internet in browsers can serve as changes made by viruses and similar software, often - prescribing a proxy server in the connection settings.
  • If some kind of program downloaded from the Internet is slowing down, then the reason for this can be a variety of things: it is the "curve" itself, there is some incompatibility with your equipment, it lacks drivers and, which also often happens, especially for games - overheating (next section).

Anyway, the slow work of a particular program is not the worst, as a last resort, it can be found to be a replacement, if any way was able to understand what causes her brakes.


Overheating is another common reason that Windows, programs and games begin to slow down. One of the signs that this item is the cause - the brakes begin after a while of playing or working with a resource-intensive application. And if the computer or laptop itself turns off during such work - doubt is that it is even smaller overheating.

Slow work of a computer due to overheating

Special programs will help determine the temperature of the processor and the video card, some of which are listed here: how to find out the temperature of the processor and how to find out the temperature of the video card. More than 50-60 degrees in a simple (when only OS, antivirus and several simple background applications are running) - the reason to think about cleaning the computer from dust, it is possible to replace the thermal paste. If you are not ready to take on it yourself, contact a specialist.

Actions to speed up the computer

It will not be listed here actions that would allow to speed up the computer, talking about a friend - what you have already done for these purposes can be the cause of the consequences in the form of a braking computer. Typical examples:
  • Turning off or configuring Windows swing file (in general, I categorically do not recommend doing this novice users, although there was a different opinion before).
  • Using a variety of "Cleaner", "Booster", "Optimizer", "Speed ​​Maximizer", i.e. Software for cleaning and accelerating the computer operation in automatic mode (manually, thoughtfully, if necessary - can and sometimes needed). Especially for defragmentation and cleaning the registry, which cannot speed up the computer in principle (if it is not about single milliseconds when booting Windows), but it often leads to the impossibility of starting the OS.
  • Automatic cleaning of browser cache, temporary files of some programs - cache in browsers exists to speed up page load and really speeds it, some temporary program files are also present for the target speed. Thus, it is not necessary to put these things on the machine (each time the system is started). Manually, if necessary, please.
  • Disabling Windows services is more likely leads to the impossibility of working any functions than to brakes, but this option is possible. I would not recommend doing this to most users, but if it is suddenly interesting, then: what services to disable in Windows 10.

Weak computer

And one more option - your computer simply does not fully comply with today's realities, requirements of programs and games. They can run, work, but mercilessly slow down.

Advise something here is difficult, the topic of the upgrade of the computer (unless this is not a fully purchase of a new one) - to increase the size of RAM (which may be ineffective), change the video card or install SSD instead of HDD, not When going to the tasks, the current characteristics and scripts of the computer or laptop, it will not work.

Weak computer specifications

I will note here only one moment: Today, many buyers of computers and laptops are limited in their budgets, and therefore the choice falls on the available price models to (very conditionally) 300 dollars.

Unfortunately, to expect high speed in all areas of application from such a device simply should not be. It is suitable for working with documents, internet, watching movies and simple games, but even in these things it can sometimes seem slow. And the presence of any problems described in the article above, on such a computer can cause a much more noticeable drop in performance than in good "hardware".

Determining why the computer works slowly using the WHYSOSLOW program

Not so long ago, a free program was released to determine the reasons for the slow work of the computer - WHYSOSLOW. While she is in the beta version, it cannot be said that its reports show very well what is required of them, but nevertheless there is such a program and, it is quite possible, in the future will turn additional opportunities in the future.

Currently, it is interesting only to look at the main program window: it shows mostly hardware nuances of your system, which can cause the computer or laptop inhibits: if you see a green tick - from the point of view of whatsoslow everything is in order with this parameter if Gray - comes down, and if an exclamation mark is not very good and can lead to problems with the speed of work.

Determine why the computer slows down in the WHYSOSLOW program

The program takes into account the following computer parameters:

  • CPU Speed ​​- processor speed.
  • CPU Temperature - processor temperature.
  • CPU Load - load processor.
  • Kernel Responsiveness - Access Time to the Core OS, "Response" Windows.
  • App Responsiveness - application response time.
  • Memory Load is the degree of memory load.
  • Hard Pagefaults - It is difficult to explain in two words, but, approximately: the number of programs for virtual memory programs on the hard disk due to the fact that the necessary data has been moved there from RAM.
WHYSOSLOW program report

I would not significantly rely on the program testimony, and it will not lead to solutions of the novice user (except in terms of overheating) but look still interesting. Download WHYSOSLOW from the official page of

If nothing helps and computer or laptop still slows down

If not one of the ways does not help solve problems with the performance of the computer, you can resort to decisive actions in the form of reinstalling the system. In addition, on modern versions of Windows, as well as on computers and laptops with a pre-installed system, any novice user must cope with this:

  • Restore Windows 10 (including resetting the system to its original state).
  • How to reset your computer or laptop to factory settings (for preset OS).
  • Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive.
  • How to reinstall Windows 8.

As a rule, if there were no problems with the speed of operation of the computer, and there are no hardware faults, reinstalling the OS, with the subsequent installation of all necessary drivers - a very effective method to return performance to source values.

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