Artikuluak #1047

Erabiltzailearen profil zerbitzuak saioa hastea ekiditen du

Erabiltzailearen profil zerbitzuak saioa hastea ekiditen du
Erabiltzailearen profil zerbitzua saioa hasteko saioa hasten baduzu, orduan, arau gisa, hori da erabiltzailearen aldi baterako profilarekin eta huts...

Update to Windows 10

Update to Windows 10
From today, a free Windows 10 update is available for computers with licensed Windows 7 and 8.1, on which it was reserved. However, the system's pre-reservation...

Hasi menua ez da Windows 10-en irekitzen

Hasi menua ez da Windows 10-en irekitzen
Windows 10-era berritu ondoren, askok (iruzkinen arabera epaitzea) arazo bat aurkitu dute hasierako menu berria irekitzen ez denik, ez dute funtzionatzen...

Black Screen in Windows 10

Black Screen in Windows 10
If after upgrading or installing Windows 10, and also after rebooting a successfully installed system, you meet a black screen with a mouse pointer...

How to remove and

How to remove and
If immediately after turning on the computer, you start a browser with an open page (from 2016) or (earlier - or after...

How to disable Windows 10 updates

How to disable Windows 10 updates
In this instruction, step by step describes how to disable automatic Windows 10 updates (i.e. update installation). At the beginning of the instructions...

How to find an android phone

How to find an android phone
If you have lost your Android phone (including in the apartment) or it was stolen, there is a chance that it will be able to find using the smartphone...

Nabigatzaileek ez dituzte orriak irekitzen eta Skype funtzionatzen dute

Nabigatzaileek ez dituzte orriak irekitzen eta Skype funtzionatzen dute
Duela gutxi, erabiltzaileek ordenagailuen laguntza enpresetara joaten dira, hau da, arazo hau formulatuz: "Internet funtzionatzen du, torrent eta Skype,...

Ordenagailua urrunetik laguntzen du

Ordenagailua urrunetik laguntzen du
Eguneratu 2013: urruneko ordenagailuko laguntza zerbitzuak ez daude eskuragarriGaur egun etxean ordenagailu mota desberdinetako laguntza mota oso ezaguna...

Disk has GPT sections style

Disk has GPT sections style
If you install Windows 7, 8 or Windows 10 to a computer, you see a message that installing Windows to this disc is not possible, since the selected...

The disk contains the MBR partition table

The disk contains the MBR partition table
In this instruction on what to do if with a clean installation of Windows 10 or 8 (8.1) from a flash drive or disk on a computer or laptop, the program...

How to increase the laptop's operational memory

How to increase the laptop's operational memory
A little in laptops is exposed to upgrade (or, in any case, it is difficult), but increase the volume of RAM in many cases is quite easy. This step-by-step...