Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements


Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements
For many years I have been using licensed software, Office and Adobe products. Of the latter, only Adobe Photoshop are usually needed for my purposes (editing images) and Premiere Pro. Now these products are distributed by subscription on the monthly or annual payment and buy a subscription separately into two programs is more expensive than buying a complete Adobe Creative Cloud package with everyone, including those who are unnecessary to me. But in this variant it turns out expensive.

ADOBE and separate simplified versions of the programs you need with one-time payment (once for life) - Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements, which can be bought separately (about 4.5 thousand rubles) or, if desired, included - slightly cheaper (about 7 thousand). Fortunately, on the official Adobe website there is an opportunity to download a free trial 30-day version of these programs and check: Will they be able to replace full-fledged programs with monthly payment. And share considerations with you.

Photo editor Adobe Photoshop Elements

After launching Adobe Photoshop Elements, we can open it on 3 separate tabs:

  1. Quick - fast editing manually individual color, exposure, effects, and other options.
  2. Managed - sets of automated actions for common and frequently required actions: change the size of photos, replacement of the background, insert new objects on the photo and other: after selecting any of the actions you will spend on all necessary steps to get the desired result.
    Managed Photo Editing in Photoshop Elements
  3. The expert is the option of the interface that is most like the usual Photoshop - with the same tools, tabs, layers and other actions.

The first two options of work - not exactly what I need, but with the most likely you will like the usual user to edit your own family and other photos: everything is really clear and works, in general, it is proper (checked on the replacement of the background, creating a frame and automatic retouching Photos). Of course, everything is in Russian.

Me, as the user is most interested in the last version of the work in Photoshop Elements, since it is in a similar interface I work in "Big Photoshop".

Photoshop Elements in expert mode

Accordingly, I share observations about what I saw in Photoshop Elements in the context of the necessary things necessary for my work:

  • The most important thing is the logic of the work is almost no different from Photoshop CC, so if you have, like me when I try to work in GIMP after several years, photoshop all boils inside, here this will not happen.
  • A set of basic tools, filters, correction tools The same, plus there are additional automatic correction options in the "Improvement" section.
  • Work with layers is also within the framework of what it may be necessary - mixing modes, masks, transparency management - everything is in place.
  • You can not record Actions, but you can import them.
  • Create brushes and patterns can be.
  • Rulers, grid - in stock.
  • Working with text and fonts is more primitive, it does not work smoothing fonts, including after rasterizing a layer with text.
  • Styles (Blending Options) are, but seemed very uncomfortable made.
  • Export for Web is, the same as in the usual Photoshop.
  • The installation of third-party plug-ins is written, supported (personally did not try).
  • Working with gradients is good, for yourself the differences in their editing did not noted.
  • In the performance parameters, it can be seen that there is a hardware acceleration of graphics, but indicated "for the correction of persons." And, in sensations, with usual work with this, something is really wrong: for example, on a 4K project with a dozen layers, cease to draw out the selection (although they are) while it does not change any way, the size of the sizes occurs, although in Photoshop CC Everything is smooth.
  • With CMYK do not work, I do not need it, but I decided to mention.

The result for me: It would seem that everything is and quite cool, but some nuances (the same Actions and work with fonts) are forced to refuse.

Can I recommend the user who is looking for a licensed software for both simple and fast and professional work with personal photos? - Definitely yes: Photoshop Elements is better than many crafts that extend about the same money. If you are interested in the free analogues, then: the best free graphics editors.

Adobe Premiere Elements

As in the previous program, work in three versions is possible in the Premiere Elements video editor: in the first - simple actions, like trimming video and quick combining photo and video, adding music to create a film. In the second - quick creation of interesting effects for beautiful videos. The third section is "Expert" - work with a timeline "like in Premiere Pro".

Video editor Adobe Premiere Elements

From the video editor I need, perhaps, less than from the editor photo: convenient placement of video and images in timeline, adding transitions, trimming unnecessary, sufficient number of tracks and the ability to add new, a variety of video export options. All this in Premiere Elements is also working with the same logic as in the full version of the video editor. From what noted:

  • By default, there is no export in 4K and the options to select a project options with such a resolution. But there are ways to bypass: either add a video (but not a photo) 4k first (then the exports will be available in this resolution and the project parameters will change), or by editing the project template files in the program folder (are XML files).
  • No rendering acceleration on GPU. Only video coding is accelerated. For an ordinary user with home video in Full HD once every six months, is not a problem, but for the daily video for YouTube in 4K, but it is required that this is too much time loss.

Otherwise, again, exclusively positive impressions, if you look from the point of view of the usual user who requires a simple, understandable and logical video editor in Russian. Better a lot, which was made to see from aimed at beginners. Of course, even free Davinci Resolve is better, but many cannot cope with him. Just in case: the best free video edits.

Additional Information

In addition to the editor of the photo and video editor, complete with the Elements program comes "Photo Organizer" (Elements Organizer), which will find useful and enjoyable all those who once used Google Picasa.

Adobe Elements Organizer Program

The program is looking for people's faces, there is them on the map (locations can be set and manually, if the camera did not add them) and on the calendar, allows you to add tags and ratings, descriptions and other information to conveniently categorize your photos, perform quick simple actions by their editing. To this utility, I can not find fault - everything is very good. But there are free options: free software for viewing photos and image management on your computer.

As a result, if you have thoughts about licensed software to work with photos and videos, I recommend trying Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements, the free trial is available on the official website -Premiere-Elements.html (loading at the bottom of the page, on the right, you will need to create an Adobe ID account).

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